Village Board Members

Matt Gantenbein
Term: 2023-2025
Phone: 608-568-3333
Josh Kuepers
Term: 2022-2024
Phone: 608-568-3333

Jay Redfern
Term: 2022-2024
Phone: 608-568-3333
Matt Kingeter
Term: 2022-2024
Phone: 608-568-3333

Amy Ginter
Term: 2023-2025
Phone: 608-568-3333

Jeff Busch
Term: 2023-2025
Phone: 608-568-3333
Jeremy Leibfried
Term: 2022-2024
Phone: 608-568-3333
Village Officials
Dickeyville has an elected Village Board consisting of the Village President and a six-member Board of Trustees. The Village Board sets local governmental policy, determines types and levels of service to be provided, hires village employees, establishes village codes and ordinances, and approves the budget and subsequent expenditures for the fiscal year. Each member of the Board—including the President—is elected to a two-year term. To ensure that the Board is always comprised of at least three experienced members, elections for trustee positions are held on an every-other-year basis, with three positions being elected one year and four positions being elected the next.
Village Office
500 East Avenue
Box 219
Dickeyville, WI 53808
Office Hours:
9:00 am - 5:00pm
Monday - Thursday
Friday - 8:30-4:30 p.m.
Contact Information:
(608) 568-3333
In addition to regular board meetings, the Village also has a number of committees that meet on an as-needed basis to determine a variety of issues related to the operation of the Village and it's services. Village Board members, as well as various members of the community, serve on the subcommittees. Meetings are posted and are open to the public.
Plan Commission
Matt Gantenbein - Chair
Jeremy Leibfried
Glen Brandt
Jim Bussan
Merlin Busch
Steve Wagner
Dale Neis
John Gantenbein
Board of Zoning Appeals
Karen Reese - Chair
Amy Ginter
Merlin Busch
Jim Bussan
Steve Wagner
Jay Redfern
Park Board
John Gantenbein - Chair
Henry Waterman
Matt Gantenbein
Jeff Busch
Tom Neis
Glen Brandt
Amy Ginter
Community Center
Dale Neis - Chair
Deb Kieler
Ross Griffin
David Reuter
Donna Timmerman
Jeff Busch
Police Committee
Matt Gantenbein
Glen Brandt
Kevin Barth
Todd Carl
John Gantenbein
Housing Authority
Becky Kienzle
Dale Neis
Tom Foote
(ability to pick their own members)
Public Works
Matt Gantenbein
Jay Redfern
Glen Brandt
Jeff Busch
Economic Development
Matt Gantenbein
Dale Neis
Glen Brandt
Jay Redfern
Finance Committee
Matt Gantenbein
Amy Ginter
Tom George
Jeremy Leibfried
Library Plan
Harry Waterman
Personnel Committee
Amy Ginter
Matt Gentenbein
Jay Redfern
Village Clerk / Treasurer

Donna Timmerman is Dickeyville’s Village Clerk / Treasurer. She is responsible for coordinating the day-to-day operations and administrative matters of the Village of Dickeyville.
Phone: 608-568-3333